
Basic (unregistered version)


In the first sheet, named “Sudoku”, the left grid named “Sudoku Grid” can be filled in by typing the appropriate number (1-9) in the cell.


The Right Grid, named “Workpad, can be populated, to show possible values, by clicking on the red “Fill Workpad” button.  Numbers entered on this grid represent all possible solutions for a specific square simply checking the contents of the Row, Column & Square of nine which contain it.


After typing in a number you must move the cursor from the cell before clicking any button (or nothing will happen).


Based on the entries in the “Workpad”, the “Sudoku Grid” can be filled in manually.


For any grid, whether completed on not, you can click the green “Verify Grid” button to check, automatically, for any conflicting entries. This only checks for duplicate numbers in a row, column or square of 9. It does not check that numbers are in the correct cells to give a complete solution.


The 2 “Rough Work” sheets can be used to try out various options. The “Fill Workpad” and “Verify Grid” buttons also work in these sheets.


If you “Fill Workpad” and find that the corresponding cells in the Sudoku Grid and the Workpad are empty (see the cells I1 and T1 in the example below) you know that the incomplete “Sudoku Grid” is not correct.  For some more tips on using the Workpad, click here.


You can, quickly, copy the Sudoku Grid between worksheets as follows :


If you are using Outlook, or any other mail client, and wish to send the solution by email. It is important that you only select the grid you wish to send.


To do this, select the Worksheet containing the Grid you wish to send, then click on the email icon,  .


The Grid will be copied to the Email worksheet and selected ready for sending (as below).


Now just fill in the “to address”, “subject” line and “introduction” paragraph. Then click the “Send this Selection” button at the top. Introduction is available in Outlook 2003. In previous versions, you should fill in your details in the 3 rows below the grid

In the Email work sheet, which are also selected (as in the example below). If you do not have the email view, selecting “File”, “Send to”, “Mail Recipient” should generate the view. Then Save Sudoxu.xls and this view should appear each time Sudoxu.xls is opened.


(Note: This email formatted spreadsheet only appears if Outlook is already running on the PC, before Sudoku.xls is opened)


(Note 2: I have tried it with Outlook Express & Excel 2000. Only the “Send Sheet”, not “Send this Selection”, option is available. In this case you can remove the  and  buttons from the Email Worksheet. You’ll need to “Unprotect” the sheet from the Tools menu first, which should be no problem as there isn’t a password on the “Email” worksheet.)



If you don’t want the email view, simply send the sheet to any email address (your own for example) and then save it.


If you are not using the email view, you can still follow the above procedures to send an email. However, finally, to send the mail you will have to select, from the “File” menu, “Send to”, “Mail recipient”


Clicking on the orange “SU DO KU” button has no function in basic mode.


Click on the Blue “Register” button to register the software & activate the advanced “SU DO KU” function. More information on registration is available here .


You should check the Feedback & FAQ which may also be of assistance.


NEW   Sudoku Puzzle Creator


You can now use Sudoku.xls to create your own Sudoku puzzles. Have you just finished an exceptional puzzle and you would like to try another one at the same level? Simply select the “Creator” worksheet and copy the puzzle into the “Sample Puzzle” Grid. Press the “From Sample Puzzle” button and a new Sudoku will appear in the “New Puzzle” grid. This puzzle will be of an equivalent level of difficulty to the sample puzzle. Pressing the button again will generate another puzzle of the same level.


 Additionally, in Registered copies of Sudoku.xls you can automatically generate a puzzle of the required grade by pressing the blue, green, amber or red button.






Advanced (Registered version)



Registering Sudoku.xls Activates the  and  buttons, enabling automatic populating of the “Sudoku Grid”. The  button offers minimal help, filling in a single number on the uncompleted Sudoku grid. Using the  button allows the number of iterations to be set from 1 – 20. This will run, automatically, through the population algorithms the selected number of times when the button is clicked.  There are also 2 “hidden” values. If 20 iterations doesn’t help you, you can set the “no. of iterations” to ** (2 asterisks) or £€ (pound euro) for a little more help.  These buttons are not available on the 2 Rough Work sheets.


The “Sudoku Grid” can still, also, be filled in manually, as required. A combination of these functions and manual entry can be used to complete the grid.


Registering Sudoku.xls also activates the coloured buttons in the “Creator” worksheet for automatically generating Sudoku puzzles at the selected level.


More information on these advanced functions can be found here.


Click Here to register the advanced SU DO KU function


Workpad tips  Fiendish example  Advanced Function  Hidden Functions  Sudoku.xls Help  Feedback & FAQs  Sudoku  Postcards  Release notes Links  Puzzles for publication