Sudoxu.xls - Release notes 10 December 2004 Version 1.01 Function to Fill Workpad & use logical iterations to attempt Sudoku puzzle in registered mode. 20 January 2005 Version 4.01 Substantial rewrite of code to improve performance and reduce size. Worksheets redesigned to include Graphical Help button on each page. Puzzle Generator upgraded. Iterations count upgraded to include a message of exact number of iterations performed. 21 January 2005 Version 4.02 Additional Logical test added to each iteration. Iteration count corrected. Minor version 4.01 bugs corrected. 22 January 2005 Version 4.03 Small bug fixed. 22 January 2005 Version 4.04 Special "Cheat" function added. If puzzle will not solve using standard iterations, set "Number of Iterations" to ** (2 asterisks) and try again! Should help. 23 January 2005 Version 4.05 Iterations improved. Hidden function added?!? - Clue "Pound Euro". 23 January 2005 Version 4.06 Validity check added. 23 January 2005 Version 4.07 Validity check improved. 24 January 2005 Version 4.08 Minor bug to SuDoKu response in unregistered version fixed. 24 January 2005 version 4.09 Improvements to "Invalid Grid" flagging in Registered version 27 January 2005 Version 4.10 Bug fixed which may, very occasionally, have caused a valid grid to be flagged as invalid. 4 February 2005 Version 4.11 "No of iterations" prompt removed from unregistered version. This prompt is now inserted during the first registration. At this time, the "number of iteration" is set to "£€". A value of £€ causes the SuDoKu function to attempt to solve the puzzle completely. 7 February 2005 Version 4.12 Check for incomplete grid added to email option. 24 February 2005 Version 4.13 "1 Number" button added allowing registered users to reveal only one additional number on the Sudoku grid. 26 February 2005 Version 4.14 Further Logical test added to each iteration. Now solves the fiendish puzzle, from The Times on 24 February 2005, below in 4 iterations: 9 . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . 8 . . 4 . 6 . . . . 3 . . 1 . . . . . . 3 . . 1 5 . 7 . . . . . . . 9 . 9 4 . . 8 . . . . . . 6 . . 5 . . . . 9 . 7 . . 3 . 4 . . 2 . . 8 . 7 26 February 2005 Version 4.14a Additional Grids added to the Creator. 4 March 2005 Version 4.15 Symmetry retention added to Creator. 5 March 2005 Version 4.15a Slight modification to "Hidden Function ?!" in Creator 7 March 2005 Version 4.16 Handling of ultra-complex, unique solution grids added. Note: Hidden function: A "Complex Grid" (The most difficult grid I have found with a unique solution) can be generated from the "Creator" Worksheet by including an asterisk (*) in the centre cell of the "Sample Puzzle" Grid and clicking the "From Sample Puzzle" button. 8 March 2005 Version 4.16a Cosmetic changes to text messages generated. More possible puzzles added to creator. 8 March 2005 Version 4.16b Wrong message box displayed in certain circumstances. Problem fixed. 8 March 2005 Version 4.17 1 Number function updated to display number in purple, for ease of visibility. 10 March 2005 Version 4.18 Changes in display sequence of Workpad including some speeding up. Correction in Creator, occasionally eay puzzles would not have symmetry. Version 4.18a 12 March 2005 Regrading of some puzzles in the creator. Web links changed to Version 4.18b 12 March 2005 Minor cosmetic changes in creator. Version 4.18c 21 March 2005 Creator levels names changed to Easy, Medium, Taxing, Difficult & Almost impossible Version 4.18d 14 April 2005 More detailed instructions added to Registration message box. Version 4.19 11 May 2005 Changes to puzzle creator routine. Some code tidied up. Copyright notice updated. Version 4.20 12 May 2005 Protection removed from Workpad cells on Sudoku work sheet. Version 4.21 14 May 2005 Registration procedure changed to allow selection of System Disk drive letter. It no longer has to be C. More variety added to creator function. Version 4.21a 18 May 2005 Wording in Advanced function registered to reflece payment by Cheque, Postal Order and Credit Card. Version 4.22 26 June 2005 Greater variety added to Creator function. Registration instructions updated.